About LEC


Director`s Message

"Welcome to the homepage of the Language Education Center at Chonnam National University."

The Language Education Center at Chonnam National University has a long and interesting history. It was originally founded as a Language Research Center in 1963, a capacity in which it remained until 1996 when it became the Language Education Center that we know today. Since its inception, the Language Education Center has provided and continues to provide the highest standards of language education to both the students of Chonnam National University and the residents of Gwangju.

Since 2007, the Language Education Center has overseen both the English for Global Communication credit course and the elective English courses within the university, providing students with high-caliber native English teachers. Alongside these classes, the center also provides high quality English conversation classes and foreign language courses that have been designed to be in step with the ever-evolving global society in which we live.

Alongside our English language courses, we run a number of foreign language classes and Korean language classes. In fact, each year, students from over 20 different countries participate in our highly respected Korean language program. In this program students not only learn a language, but are also provided with the opportunity to explore Korean culture and to learn more about this fascinating country. Through these classes we are platform from which to promote Korea and Chonnam National University to a worldwide audience, thus enhancing the global reputation of the university, Korea and the Jeollanam-do region.

Furthermore, due to our strong reputation for excellence in the field of language education, we frequently receive requests from external bodies to provide specific language courses in a number of diverse areas. Therefore, drawing upon the expertise of our staff, administrators and teachers, we design bespoke courses tailored to meet the needs of external bodies from both the public and private sectors.

Just as the world continues to evolve, it is our duty to keep pace, in order to provide our students with the best possible education. As such, a team of around 150 staff members, including professors, researchers, administrators, and teachers works tirelessly to ensure the utmost standard of education across all our courses by evaluating student feedback, ensuring best practices are observed and encouraging teacher and staff development.

Thus, moving into the future, it is our hope that through our continued endeavors, we can play a leading role in raising the profile of Chonnam National University, not only throughout Asia, but throughout the entire World.

Thank you.

Kyungsun, Jo Executive Director of LEC Chonnam National University