
Week 4


  • To be further familiar with the key techniques for TOEFL writing success.
  • To explore question types & appropriate responses.

The Question

Read this conversation. Is something strange?

Person A: I went downtown yesterday, how about you, what did you do?

Person B: I don’t like shopping downtown, it’s too busy and the shops are really expensive.

Person A: Yes, that’s true, but I enjoyed myself, so what did you do?

Person B: I have to go downtown next week to meet my friend, but I think we’ll just go to a restaurant.

Do you feel a little bit frustrated with person B? Why

Person B is not listening carefully to the question person A is asking. B has taken one word from A’s comment, and started a conversation that is ‘off the point’ we can see the connection, but it is still not answering the question. This is a common problem in TOEFL essays, because when people are under pressure in an exam situation they often do not read or listen as carefully or as well as they do at other times.

Some Sample Questions

1. Support one point of view

Some people believe that all children should stay at school until the age of 18, others believe they should be able to leave earlier and get a job if they do not plan to go to university. Which point of view do you agree with Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

  • Do you need to explain both points of view No
  • Should you choose a point of view to support even if you are undecided Yes
  • Should you argue strongly in support of the point of view you have chosen Yes
  • Does it matter if the examiner reading your essay has a different point of view No!

Useful language:

In my opinion… It is clear/obvious that… Therefore…
To my mind… It is commonly accepted that… Logically…
From my point of view… It is indisputable that… Consequently…
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2. Compare two points of view and agree with one

Some people believe that weekend sports and physical activities should be compulsory for children from a young age. Others believe that children should be able to choose how they spend their leisure time. Compare these two points of view, and state which you agree with and why.

  • Do you need to explain both points of view No
  • Should you choose a point of view to support even if you are undecided Yes
  • Should you argue strongly in support of the point of view you have chosen Yes
  • Does it matter if the examiner reading your essay has a different point of view No!

Useful language:

In my opinion… It is clear/obvious that… Therefore…
To my mind… It is commonly accepted that… Logically…
From my point of view… It is indisputable that… Consequently…
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3. Describe

Imagine you have been given the task of creating a new, luxury hotel and holiday resort, what facilities and services would you include Use specific details and examples to explain what you would include and why.

  • Should you be creative Yes
  • Should you attempt the question even if you are not inspired Yes
  • Do your ideas have to be completely original No
  • Can you borrow ideas from holidays you have been on, hotels you have stayed in or seen advertised Yes

Useful language:

  • Materials metal, glass, wood, cotton, silk, flesh, fur, rock… Adjectives for things enormous, miniscule, colorful, intricate…
  • Adjectives for people vivacious, introverted, arrogant, awkward…
  • Adjectives that evaluate comfortable, useful, appealing, desirable…
  • Adjectives of sense salty, bright, deafening, aromatic, smooth…

4. Agree/Disagree

Money is the most important ingredient of a happy life. Do you agree or disagree with this statement Use specific examples to support your opinion.

  • Do you need to explain arguments for both disagreement and agreement No
  • Should you choose agreement or disagreement even if you are not sure Yes
  • Should you argue strongly to support the agreeing or disagreeing view you have chosen Yes
  • Does it matter if the examiner reading your essay agrees or disagrees No!

Useful language:

I completely agree/disagree with/that… In my opinion it is true that…
I strongly agree/disagree with/that… To my mind it is correct that…
It is absolutely correct that… In my opinion (x) is correct…
touch slide

Preparing for the Question Types Some Dos and Don’ts

  • Don’t focus only on sentence structures and vocabulary as you prepare for this part of the exam, think about and consider the question types and learn how to write for each of them.
  • Do make a note of useful language associated with the question types, and try to use some of it in your answer this will help keep you focused on the nature of the question.
  • Don’t answer in a different way because you are not comfortable with the question type, a very good essay that does not answer the question still receives a very low mark.
  • Do consider the question type during your planning stage, this will help you focus your planning on the actual question.