
Error Codes

Below are the error codes native speaker teachers will use to indicate the location and type of problems they find in the first draft you submit for each writing. These codes are designed to help you redraft your own work, recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and progress towards becoming an independent writer in English.
Macro Level Errors are first, because they are the major focus in the development of your writing skills throughout this course.
Micro Level Errors assist you to self-correct grammar, vocabulary, syntax, spelling and the conventions of punctuation.
Macro Level Errors Code
Error Correction Code Key
This key is designed to help you understand what the symbols and terms in the error code mean.
If you are not sure what a code represents, check here for help.
1. Separate paragraph ><
This means two points have been put together in one paragraph, and you need to separate them in the place where the code has been inserted.
You may also need to check that all sentences in each paragraph are in the right place after you separate them.
...eating at least six serves of fruit and vegetables per day is recommended for good health.
It is also a good idea to eat as much variety as possible.(><)
In addition exercise promotes good health.
A 30 minute walk...

...eating at least six serves of fruit and vegetables per day is recommended for good health.
It is also a good idea to eat as much variety as possible.

In addition exercise promotes good health. A 30 minute walk...(paragraph continues)
2. Combine paragraph <>
This means you have separated sentences that should be together in the same paragraph.
These sentences are about the same main point, and belong together.
TIP! Do not start a new line for every new sentence.
Only start a new line when you start a new paragraph.
We all know that eating six serves of fruit and vegetable per day is recommended for good health. (<>)
It is also a good idea to eat as much variety as possible.

We all know that eating six serves of fruit and vegetable per day is recommended for good health.
It is also a good idea to eat as much variety as possible.
3. Register (informal) ___ (REG)
This means you have used a word or form that is too informal for an essay or written English.
Slang words and contractions are examples of this.
You need to find a word that expresses the same meaning, but is more formal.
TIP! In written English it is better not to start sentences with ‘and’ or ‘but’.
We usually only do this in spoken English, or very informal writing.
Example. It’s (REG) well known that pigging out (REG) on chocolate is bad for your health. And (REG) cola is a source of extra calories.
Correction It is well known that consuming large amounts of chocolate is bad for your health.
In addition cola is a source of extra calories.
4. Irrelevance ___ (IRR)
This means you have written a sentence that does not support or connect to your other sentences or the main point.
You need to either delete it, or make the connection between this point and the others clear.
In addition exercise promotes good health. A 30 minute walk four or five times a week is a good way to improve your fitness.
Many people have cars nowadays. (IRR) Cycling is also a great...

In addition exercise promotes good health.
A 30 minute walk four or five times a week is a good way to improve your fitness.
Cycling is also a great...

In addition exercise promotes good health.
A 30 minute walk four or five times a week is a good way to improve your fitness.
Many people have cars nowadays and are not used to walking, however, there are other ways to exercise. Cycling is also a great...
5. Lack of detail/exemplification ___(+D/EX)
This means you have made statements but given no detail, example, or explanation.
Your argument and content will be improved by giving some examples.
In Korea many sports are popular. (+D/EX) People also like eating out and ...

In Korea many sports are popular, especially baseball and basketball. Soccer is also gaining in popularity.
People also like...
6. Lack of topic sentence ___(+TOP)
This means you have written a paragraph without a topic sentence, or without a clear/sufficient topic sentence.
You need to think carefully about the content of your paragraph and write an opening sentence that introduces the main point clearly ? think of it as a signpost to tell your reader what the paragraph is going to be about.
_____ (+TOP) Hotels in Europe are often expensive, and the quality of service is very different from one hotel to another.
In addition, restaurants can be of either a high or low standard, and it is often difficult to know from simply looking at the menu or decor.
Tourist information services are sometimes managed by private companies and will try to sell you a tour run by their own company regardless of your interests.

A good guidebook, or researching your destination before you travel is important if you want to get the best value from your visit.
Hotels in Europe are often expensive, and the quality of service is very different from one hotel to another. In addition, restaurants can be of either a high or low standard, and it is often difficult to know from simply looking at the menu or decor.
Tourist information services are sometimes managed by private companies and will try to sell you a tour run by their own company regardless of your interests.
7. Verb tense ___(VT)
This means you have used the wrong time/tense/aspect, and you need to think about past, present or future forms to correct this error.
He travel (VT) a lot before he died, and has visited (VT) more than 20 countries.

He travelled a lot before he died, and visited more than 20 countries.
8. Articles ___(ART)
This means you have:
a) forgotten to use the article
b) used the wrong article
c) used an article where you don’t need one
The (ART) France is a very large country, and a (ART) people there are famous for their love of food, wine and relaxation.

France is a very large country, and the people there are famous for their love of food, wine and relaxation.
9. Singular/plural ___(S/P)
This means you have either used a plural form when it should be singular or uncountable, or forgotten to use the plural.
Informations (S/P) about health and fitness can easily be found on the internet. Student (S/P) who want informations (S/P) for their projects can also...

Information about health and fitness can easily be found on the internet. Students who want information for their projects can also...
10. Pronouns ___(PR)
This means you have either forgotten to use a pronoun, or used a pronoun incorrectly.
Every morning (PR) go to a coffee shop and buy a strong coffee. The staff are always very busy there, but I don’t have to tell __ (PR) my order, they remember me.

Every morning I go to a coffee shop and buy a strong coffee. The staff are always very busy there, but I don’t have to tell them my order, they remember me.
11. Subject verb agreement ___(SV)
This means you have not inflected the verb according to the subject, and need to think about how the subject can influence verb form.
Korean people is (SV) well known for their good manners, but a foreigner visiting Korea have (SV) to learn the very different customs of politeness here.
My colleague have (SV) been living in Korea ...
Korean people are well known for their good manners, but a foreigner visiting Korea has to learn the very different customs of politeness here.
My colleague has been living in Korea ...
12. Preposition ___(PREP)
This means you have either forgotten to use a preposition, or have used the wrong preposition.
In (PREP) weekdays I take the bus, but in (PREP) weekends I depend__ (PREP) my car more, because I like to go shopping.
I spend a lot of money in (PREP) clothes, and ...

On weekdays I take the bus, but at weekends I depend on my car more, because I like to go shopping. I spend a lot of money on clothes, and ...
13. General grammar ___(GR)
This means you have made a grammatical error that does not fit into any of the more specific categories above.
To identify the error you will need to think carefully about the underlined words or structures, and how they relate to the rest of the sentence.
If I would have (GR) three wishes, I would wish for health, happiness and good fortune.

If I had three wishes, I would wish for health, happiness and good fortune.


It was not busy, there were only a little (GR) people in the shop.

It was not busy, there were only a few people in the shop.
14. Punctuation ___(PU)
This means you have made an error with a convention of punctuation ? commas (,) periods (.) question marks (?) CAPITAL LETTERS etc.
If it rains_(PU) I will stay at home, H (PU)owever_(PU) if it the weather is good I will go to the beach , (PU) The beach closest to my hometown is...

If it rains, I will stay at home, however, if it the weather is good I will go to the beach. The beach closest to my hometown is...
15. Spelling ___(SP)
This means you have made a spelling error. TIP! The spell check tool on your computer is useful, but doesn’t alert you to an error if your mistake means you have spelled a different word to the one you intended (typical examples are weather/weather or lose/loose), so you will still often need to check your spelling using a dictionary.
My guydebook (SP)has many reccommendations (SP)for tourists. Correction My guidebook has many recommendations for tourists.
16. Sentence structure ___(SS)
This means there is an error with the overall structure of your sentence, and you need to reorganise the information according to the rules of English grammar and syntax. TIP! Very often, this type of problem occurs when we translate directly from another language.
Remember that translation of vocabulary alone is not enough.
My mother the money gave, so I the shop went. (SS)

My mother gave me the money, so I went to the shop.
17. Fragment ___(FR)
This means you have an incomplete sentence that needs to be completed or connected to the rest of the text.
Citrus fruit is in season in winter, and at this time the price is usually lower.
Which is better quality. (FR) In summer...

Citrus fruit is in season in winter, and at this time the price is usually lower and the quality is better. In summer...
18. Run ? on ___(RO)
This means you have sentences that need to be separated by a comma or period.
I like to drink coffee in the morning it (RO) is the best time because drinking it in the morning does not prevent me from sleeping however if (RO)I drink it after 5pm I have real trouble getting to sleep.

I like to drink coffee in the morning. It is the best time because drinking it in the morning does not prevent me from sleeping, however, if I drink it after 5pm I have real trouble getting to sleep.
19. Word missing ___(W.MIS)
This means you need an extra word here, which may be for grammatical reasons or may be vocabulary. TIP! Many words and expressions in English are followed by a particular preposition, which is called a dependent preposition.
You can avoid many common errors by learning the preposition with the word (for example ‘depend on’ ‘spend on’ ‘speak to’ ‘be familiar with’).
I like to spend time_(W.MIS) my work, the quality is important _(W.MIS) me, and so I work more than some _ (W.MIS) my colleagues.

I like to spend time on my work, the quality is important to me, and so I work more than some of my colleagues.
20. Wrong word ___(WW)
This is a complex area and it is very common to make these mistakes as you try to use more interesting and extensive vocabulary. It is better to think of these as ‘good’ mistakes because they give you an opportunity to learn more about the words you are using. Fear of mistakes should not stop you trying out a new expression.

This means you have chosen the wrong word, sometimes words with similar meanings can only be used in particular contexts, and sometimes words have only subtle differences in meaning, so without b.

TIP! To avoid this type of mistake, you should check not only a translation dictionary, but also an English-English learner dictionary, because this will give you more information about the contexts a word can be used in.
She told (WW) ‘I don’t eat chocolate’, and I was very worried (WW), because I had seen her eating chocolate the day before. I questioned (WW) her ‘Didn’t I see you eating chocolate yesterday?’ She...

She said ‘I don’t eat chocolate, and I was very confused, because I had seen her eating chocolate the day before. I asked her’ Didn’t I see you eating chocolate yesterday? She...
21. Redundant word ___ (RED)
This means you have an unnecessary or extra word that needs to be removed. TIP! Do not simply remove the word without thinking about it? look at the sentence and try to understand why you do not need this word, as then you can avoid making the same mistake next time.
I was very (RED) extremely angry with him. I had told him to stop quickly (RED) driving so fast before the accident happened.

I was extremely angry with him. I had told him to stop driving so fast before the accident happened.
22. Sentences should be connected (=)
This means your sentences are shorter than they need to be, and can easily be connected with a comma and coordinating conjunction (for example: ..., and / ..., in addition /..., but / ..., however, /..., because/ ..., so / ..., therefore).
I went to the shop.(=) I needed to buy milk.(=) I needed to buy vegetables. The shop was closed.(=) I went home.

I went to the shop, because I needed to buy milk and vegetables. The shop was closed, so I went home.
23. Unintelligible ___(?)
This means that in this part of your writing your meaning is not clear.
The teacher correcting your work doesn’t understand what you want to express, and so cannot offer correction. In this situation you need to think carefully about how to express yourself more clearly, or using different words/structures.
Some errors can fall into two or more categories, for example: 1. There are a little oranges on the table. Is the error grammar (GR) or wrong word (WW)?

2. I like oranges more __ apples. Is the error word missing (W.MISS) or grammar (GR)?

  • 3. My apartment is more bigger than his. Is the error redundant (RED) or grammar (GR)? In these situations the native speaker teacher correcting your work may choose one, or may use two symbols to help you understand the type of error you have made.
  • 1. There are a little (GR/WW) oranges on the table.
  • 2. I like oranges ___ (W.MISS/GR) apples.
  • 3. My apartment is more (RED/GR) than his.
After you submit your second draft teachers will grade and make a comment on your work before editing it to a target form? correcting any further mistakes. The grading of your work is according to the criteria below.

Following the grade, there are two types of comment from your teacher. The first type of comment is called extending feedback, and is OPTIONAL. This type of feedback allows the teacher to make specific suggestions for language use to upgrade your work. It may or may not appear, depending on the content of your work. The second type of comment is called macro skills feedback. You will receive this feedback each time, and it will give you advice and comment on your macro skills achievement.
Extending Feedback (optional)
(Example) In your second paragraph you use the verb ‘like’ several times, using synonyms or words with similar meaning is better style and makes your writing more interesting. Try expressions such as ‘enjoy’ ‘be keen on’ ‘be fond of’ and ‘be partial to’.
Macro Skills Feedback
You have separated your ideas into paragraphs well, however your introduction doesn’t tell your reader what your main points will be, or what your opinion is. You can do this by simply adding one more sentence containing this information. The topic sentences you have written are generally clear, but be careful to save specific detail and information for the sentences after the topic sentence.
Be careful not to introduce a new idea in your conclusion, remember that a conclusion simply tells the reader what you have already told them, and states or restates your opinion. New points belong in paragraphs in the middle of your essay. Also, be careful not to start a new line unless you are starting a new paragraph. We do not start a new line for every new sentence.