
Week 4


  • To expand students´ knowledge of different types of paragraphs
  • To further develop students´ ability to write different types of paragraphs.

Paragraphs that sequence

This is a paragraph that describes a series of events in chronological (time) order, so that we can understand what happened first, second, third and so on. It is especially important when describing a process (for example cooking a cake) or a serious situation (for example witnessing a crime).

Useful language:

First… To start… Secondly…
To begin with… After that… Before that…
Initially… And then… Finally…
hen you have done that… When that had been done…
Prior to doing that… After doing that…
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Paragraphs that choose

This is a paragraph that state (and explains) a preference or choice. This paragraph not only requires you to make a decision, it also requires you to justify the decision you have made. Personal opinions, beliefs and feelings are important in this type of paragraph.

Useful language:

In my opinion… In my case… Therefore…
To my mind… For me personally,… Logically…
From my point of view…
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Paragraphs that explain

This is a paragraph that explains cause and effect, and is often used to explain natural or scientific processes, as well as social change or trends.

Useful language:

This is because… Therefore… As a result…
This is due to… Consequently… As a consequence…
This is a result of… Subsequently… Due to this…
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Paragraphs that evaluate

This paragraph first considers a situation, thing or idea, and then makes a judgment or evaluation, which is supported by reason and detail. This type of paragraph may be a book or film review, or may express an opinion about a more general topic.

Useful language:

Considering the evidence… I would suggest…
All things considered… I would advise…
Upon examining the evidence… I would recommend…
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Match these extracts to the paragraph type:
  • ….All things considered, the money will be best spent on purchasing new books for the library, as these will be available to all the students. Therefore I would recommend…
  • …Personally, I choose city life, as from my point of view there are far more opportunities for work and leisure in the city …
  • …To begin with, take two large onions and chop them finely into small piece, after that, heat some oil in a small frying pan …
  • …In industrialized societies smaller numbers of workers are needed for farm labor, and as a consequence employment is not easy to find in the countryside these days …

Now scroll down for the answers.

  • A paragraph that defines.
  • A paragraph that compares and contrasts.
  • A paragraph that describes.
  • A paragraph that classifies.